Our company has been working for over 50 years in the production of techincal yarn for filtration and wound yarn filter cartridges.
For the above purpose we use a polypropylene Meraklon FDA fiber which is the result of a research and development process aiming to obtain the maximum results in terms of filtration and non toxicity.
Thanks to our experience and expertise we are a reference for a large number of customers who knows the quality of our products and keeps choosing us as suppliers.
As a company we strongly believe in respecting nature and the environment. For the above reason we have completely converted our production to the filtration field.
With our yarn we can supply filtration products for any type of industry.
Our aim is to allow everybody to breath a fresher air and purer water.
We use materials that have a very low environmental impact. Completely natural and recycled cotton and wood which allows the customer to throw the cartridge at the end of his life directly in the compostable bin without the need for a particular type of disposal.
The above are only a few examples of our efforts to improve our products which can help our clients to work in a more sustainable and respectful way with regard to the enviroment.

Filter cartridges with polypropylene core and yarn
Filter cartridges with polypropylene coreand yarn Filter cartridges with polypropylene core and yarn These wounded yarn cartridges are made of an FDA popypropylene yarn. These

Yarns for filtration
Yarns for filtration Yarns for filtration FDA approved polypropylene yarn can be used in a wide variety of industrial sectors. The yarn which is carefully

Cotton filter cartridges with AISI stainless steel core
Cotton filter cartridges with AISI stainless steel core Cotton filter cartridges Cotton filter cartridges are made of an AISI stainless steel core and wound yarn

Stainless steel cores and perforated stainless steel cores in AISI
Stainless steel cores and perforated stainless steel cores in AISI Stainless steel cores and perforated stainless steel cores in AISI Stainless steel AISI cores are

Polypropylene cores
Polypropylene cores Polypropylene cores The polypropylene cores are used to make filter cartridges suitable for food contact. Field of application Polypropylene cores are commonly put

Cartridge with active carbon core and wound PPFDA washed yarn
Cartridge with active carbon core and wound PPFDA washed yarn Cartridge with active carbon core and wound PPFDA washed yarn This special type of cartridge
Cartuccia in cotone avvolto naturale riciclato con anima in legno
Le cartucce filtranti ECO sono formate da un’anima in legno su cui viene avvolto il cotone naturale e riciclato. A seconda della trama e dallo spessore del filo si possono ottenere diversi strati e di conseguenza diversi livelli di filtrazione.

Contenitore filtro per cartucce ecologiche da 10 pollici con adattatori
Con i nostri Contenitori filtro con cartuccia in cotone naturale e riciclato, anima in legno e adattatori in silicone alimentare, puoi trasformare il tuo rubinetto in un erogatore di acqua pura. Grazie al potere filtrante delle nostre cartucce, realizzate con materiali completamente naturali, rimuoverai qualsiasi impurità dall’acqua del rubinetto.
The fiber from which we obtain the yarn contains a small percentage of finish oil and other substances that are necessary to avoid electrostatic issues which would make impossible the yarn production process starting from the fiber.
The finish oil can contaminate the liquid that has to be filtered and this is specially true in the galvanic industry. Furthermore it can create some foam the first few times when the cartridge is used.
For all the above reasons Filatura Ceretti has developed a special machinery to wash the yarn that at today remains unique. This washing process allows us to offer our clients cartridges with both non washed or washed yarn made with our special process which removes all impurities.
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“Over 50 years of professional approach to deliver a quality product, always respecting clients requests and timing”